Sunday, November 5, 2023

Lesson Elements for Parshat Chaye Sarah

 1.   Which is Judaism’s ideal burial?

a)  Burial under a tree to better return to nature

b)  Burial in the salt flats of Dead Sea (Hence the name of the sea)

c)   Burial in in or close to Jerusalem

d)  Scattering of ashes after cremation over the Jordan River

e)   Burial of ashes in space via rocket launch


2 . Why does a Rabbi need to be present at a Jewish funeral?

a)  To say “El Malei Rachamim” a prayer in memory of the person who passed

b)  To say “Tziduk Hadin” a prayer about judgement and God

c)   To sprinkle holy water on the coffin

d)  To shovel the first shovel of earth into the grave

e)   Dude, You don’t need a rabbi present, just a Jew who knows the service


3.    What are the traditional components of a Coffin for jewish burial?

a)  Wood. 

b)  Wood and cloth.

c)   Wood,  cloth,  and copper or silver for the Jewish star on top.

d)  Wood, cloth, and as much iron or steel as possible.

e)   Wood lined with special  plastic and cloth is now standard.

But in Just a tallit is all you need to bury someone.


4.   What do we not do at a Jewish funeral?

a.   Place flowers on the casket

b.   Offer food to the memory of the dead

c.    Say Psalms

d.   Tell stories

e.   Put water from Israel into the grave

f.     Put soil from Israel into the grave

g.   Study Torah

h.  Put anything into the grave

i.     Tell jokes

j.     Read the will

k.   Share a toast


5.   Upon returning from a cemetery, what does Jewish practice say one should do before entering a home?

a)  Rub one’s hands with salt

b)  Wash one’s hands

c)   Take off one’s shoes and leave them outside

d)  Wash one’s feet

e)   Say Shema Yisrael and V’ahavtah



6.   How many days do Shiva last?

a)  Shiva is only a day long.

b)  2 days.  People have to get to work.

c)   Three days.

d)  Six days. A week would be too much.

e)   Shiva is seven days. Like like the Hebrew number for seven, dude.


7.   What  should people not do at a shiva house?

a.   Tell jokes

b.   Laugh

c.    Pray

d.   Ring the doorbell

e.   Mentioned the departed.  Totally tactless, dude.



8.   What are some of the things Jews mourning a loved one do not do, even when shiva is done, but mourning continues for a month or year?

a.   Wearing leather shoes

b.   Drinking Wine

c.    Experience live music

d.   Going to Synagogue

e.   Go to a movie in a theater. Too pubic, dude.



9) What is the memorial prayer we say only for a parent, sibing, spouse or child on the anniversary of their death?

        a) Ein Kemocha

b) Kadish Yatom

c) Kadish Shalem

d) Etz Chaim Hee

e) Mi Kamocha



10)  But I want to say kaddish for my beloved and dear great Aunt Schmutzie, my mom’s father’s sister’s best friends’ roommate’s cousin’s dog walker!

a) You need permission from your rabbi.

b) You can if your rabbi gives you a document sign in Hebrew called  kodashim.

c)  It’s allowed if you are not Orthodox.

d) You have to learn a special version of Mourners Kadish since you are not her child,  called Kaddish Le’itchadetah.

e) Dude! You can learn Torah and give tzedakah in her memory instead.


The eminent Rabbi Yosi ben Halafta once met a famous Roman matron (a very rich woman).  She asked R. Yosi, “In how many days did God create the world?” “In six,” he answered. “And since then,” she asked, “what has your God been doing?” “Matching couples for marriage,” responded R. Yosi. “That’s it!?” she said dismissively. “Even I can do that. I have many slaves, both male and female. In no time at all, I can match them for marriage.” To which R. Yosi countered, “Though this may be an easy thing for you to do, for God it is as difficult as splitting the Yam Suf/Sea of Reeds.”

Whereupon, she took her leave. The next day this aristocrat lined up a thousand male and a thousand female slaves and paired them off before nightfall. The morning after, her estate resembled a battlefield. One male slave had his head bashed in, another had lost an eye, while a third man hobbled because of a broken leg. None of them seemed to want their assigned mate. Quickly, she summoned R. Yosi and acknowledged. “Your God is unique and your  is true, pleasing and praiseworthy. You spoke wisely.”(Bereshit Rabba, 68:4)

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