Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Lesson Elements for Nov 9
































BEFORE- Ch. 23--Chayei Sara

Now Sara’s life was one hundred years and twenty years and seven years, [In this way] the years of Sara’s life.  Sara died in Arba-Town—that is Hevron, in the land of Canaan.
Avraham set about to lament for Sara and to weep over her;

then Avraham arose from the presence of his dead
and spoke to the Sons of Het, saying:

“I am a sojourner settled among you;
give me [title to] a burial holding among you,
so that I may bury my dead from my presence…”


… Afterward Avraham buried Sara his wife in the cave of the field of Makhpela, facing Mamre—that is Hevron, in the land of Canaan….


Now Avraham was old, advanced in days,  and YHWH had blessed Avraham in everything.

Avraham said to his servant, the elder of his household, who ruled over all that was his:
“Please put your hand under my thigh!  I want you to swear by YHWH, the God of Heaven and the God of Earth,  that you will not take a wife for my son from the women of the Canaanites, among whom I am settled;   rather, you are to go to my land and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son, for Yitzhak.”

The servant said to him:
“Perhaps the woman will not be willing to go after me to this land;  may I then bring your son back there,  back to the land from which you once went out?”

Avraham said to him:
“Take you care that you do not ever bring my son back there!  YHWH, the God of Heaven, who took me from my father’s house and from my kindred,  who spoke to me, who swore to me, saying:  I give this land to your offspring—  he himself will send his messenger on before you,  so that you take a wife for my son from there.   Now if the woman is not willing to go after you,  you will be clear from this sworn-oath of mine;
only: You are not to bring my son back there!”

The servant put his hand under the thigh of Avraham his lord,  and swore to him [an oath] about this matter.



AFTER – Ch. 25

Now Avraham had taken another wife—;her name was Ketura.

She bore him Zimran and Yokshan, Medan and Midyan, Yishbak and Shuah.

Yokshan begot Sheva and Dedan,
Dedan’s sons: the Ashurites, the Letushites, and the Leummites.

Midyan’s sons: Efa, Efer, Hanokh, Avida, and Eldaa.
All these, Ketura’s sons.

But Avraham gave over all that was his to Yitzhak.

And to the sons of the concubines that Avraham had, Avraham gave gifts, and he sent them away from Yitzhak his son while he was still alive, eastward, to the Eastland.


Now these are the days [and] years of the life of Avraham, which he lived: a hundred years and seventy years and five years;   then he died.
Avraham died at a good ripe-age, old and satisfied [in days],
and was gathered to his kinspeople.

Yitzhak and Yishmael his sons buried him, in the cave of Makhpela, in the field of Efron son of Tzohar the Hittite, that faces Mamre,

the field that Avraham had acquired from the Sons of Cheyt.
There were buried Avraham and Sara his wife.


Now it was after Avraham’s death, that God blessed Yitzhak his son.
And Yitzhak settled by the Be’er Lechai Ro’i/Well of the Living-One Seeing-Me.






a.     Intro text:  Machpelah

b.     Quiz

c.     Open questions on Mourning.

d.     A graph Jewish Mourning:  

e.     Eliezer’s oath

f.      What’s Bothering Rashi?

g.     Matchmaking!

                                                   i.     How did your parents Meet?

                                                 ii.     Do people in modern life still have arranged matches?

1.     Yes- In India 90% and in Indian-American comunities, as many as  %50

2.     Yes, in Ultra-orthodox life


at 2:52 s


c.     God is the true maker of matches - Midrash

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