Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Today is the 9th day of the Omer!

Day of the omer-  count!

Recipe:  Choose:

Noodle salad

Coffee-chocolate torte

Cheesy garlic bread


Word Duel!  (Is the translation or transliteration right?)


Quiz:  Yom Kippur!


GOATS? What do goats have to do with judaism?

Kashrut:  Meat and blood?,_RL-Museum_Bonn.jpg,fit=contain,width=900/2022/11/07/1112ea70-f582-11ee-ad5c-a91d5977ae49__h1084_w1627.jpg 

Commentators on…



YK Quiz:


1.      Yom Kippur is on this day of the month of Tishrei,  with Sukkot 5 days later  --

a.     1st day

b.     5th day

c.     10th day

d.     28th (last) day

e.     dude, sukkot is in the next month,  Cheshvan


2.     Yom Kippur has five prohibitions for adults:  No eating and drinking, no sexual relations, no fragrances or fancy skin care, no bathing,  and no leather shoes.  Why are leather shoes on the list?

a.     Because an animal had to die for them to be made, and that looks bad on YK.

b.     Because they are luxurious and fancy, and that looks bad on YK.

c.     Because they are soft and comfortable, and that looks bad on YK,

d.     Because they are worn year round, a reminder of our sins and that looks bad on YK.

e.     Because they are worn by the glorious leader of the North Korean People’s Democratic Republic!


3.     The punishment for eating on Yom Kippur listed in the Torah is called Karet.  Which of the following  violations of Jewish law do not share this punishment?


a.     Eating chametz on Pesach

b.     Eating blood

c.     Necromancy (consulting the dead)

d.     Bowing down to or making an offering to any Idol or image.

e.     Failing to sit in a sukkah for a meal during Sukkot


4.     Also on the list is cologne or perfume.  Why would wearing perfume be banned on YK?

a.     Because it distracts others from prayer

b.     Because it makes you focus on your body and not on your soul

c.     Because fragrances are expensive and showing off

d.     Because plants and animals had to die to make the fragrance, and that looks bad on YK.

e.     Because Christians did not allow Jews in Europe to buy fragrances for centuries.


5.     Can you wear unscented anti-perspirant on Yom Kippur so you don’t stink?

a.     yes

b.     yes

c.     yes

d.     yes

e.     I love to smell like fermenting monkey toes- so no.


6.     Also on this list is no bathing.  But what happens if you change a diaper and get poopie on your hands?

a.     You can wash poopie off your hands, just not take a full bath.

b.     You can use wipes to clean off your hands, but that’s it.

c.     Too bad,  your hands have poopie on them until YK is over

d.     If you have to change diapers,  you don’t have to worry about YK rules

e.     Only sinners get poopie on their hands on YK. If you were a good person, this would not have happened.


7.     What happens if you have wronged another person but have not apologized by YK?

a.     You’re okay- YK is the day of forgiveness.

b.     You have to the last day of Sukkot.

c.     You are not forgiven by God.  You better fix it.

d.     Then it is too late for you, and you will never be forgiven.

e.     Then you must challenge the wronged person to MORTAL KOMBAT!


8.     Which is the name of the added service on YK?

a.     Musaf

b.     Tachanun

c.     Neilah

d.     Avodah

e.     Kiddushin


9.     The Avodah Service uses poems and songs to remind us of  what era of Yom Kippur?

a.     When Abraham first sacrificed an offering asking God for forgiveness

b.     When the temple stood and the High priest would atone for all the Jewish people

c.     When the Jewish people held the first Yom Kippur services in the wilderness after leaving Egypt

d.     When the Jewish people were forced out of  Spain in 1492 and found new homes in Europe and the middle east in time for Yom Kippur

e.     When time travelers from the year 2719 arrived in  Highland Park of 1997 to establish Neo-Futuristic Judaism.


10.  Opinion: What does YK give us as individuals?

a.     A day to face the fact that there is right and wrong and good and evil.

b.     A day to look inward and admit we may have screwed up and need to fix things.

c.     A day to think about God and that true justice and judgement lie outside of human control

d.     A time to be with our community and admit the community may have screwed up and needs to fix things.

e.     A day to engage in the deepest prayer we can,  and reach out to God to help us do better.



Leviticus 16

Then he shall take the two goats and set them before Adonai at the entrance of the tent of meeting.  And Aaron shall cast lots over the two goats, one lot for the Lord and the other lot for Azazel.  And Aaron shall present the goat on which the lot fell for the Lord and use it as a sin offering,  but the goat on which the lot fell for Azazel shall be presented alive before Adonai to make atonement over it, that it may be sent away into the wilderness to Azazel.  

And when he has made an end of atoning for the Holy Place and the tent of meeting and the altar, he shall present the live goat. And Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressions, all their sins. And he shall put them on the head of the goat and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is in readiness. The goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area, and he shall let the goat go free in the wilderness.


MISHNA: The Kohen Gadol would mix the lots in the lottery container used to hold them and draw the two lots from it, one in each hand. Upon one was written: For Adonai. And upon the other one was written: For Azazel. The s’gan (deputy)  Kohen Gadol would stand to the Kohen Gadol’s  right, and the head of the kohen’s priestly clan  (there were 24 clans) would stand to his left. If the lot for the name of God came up in his right hand, the s’gan would say to him: “My master, Kohen Gadol, raise your right hand so that all can see with which hand the lot for God was selected.” And if the lot for the name of God came up in his left hand, the head of the clan would say to him: “My master, Kohen Gadol, raise your left hand.”


Then he would place the two lots upon the two goats, the lot that arose in his right hand on the goat standing to his right side and the lot in his left hand on the goat to his left. And upon placing the lot for God upon the appropriate goat, he would say: “For God, as a sin-offering.” And upon saying the name of God, the priests and the people respond after him: Baruch Sheym Kevod Malchuto Le’olam Va’ed!/ Blessed be the name of His glorious kingdom forever and all time!




The Sages taught: During all forty years that Shimon HaTzaddik served as Kohen Gadol, the lot for God arose in the right hand. From then onward, sometimes it arose in the right hand and sometimes it arose in the left hand. Furthermore, during his tenure as High Priest, the strip of crimson wool that was tied to the head of the goat that was sent to Azazel turned white, indicating that the sins of the people had been forgiven, as it is written: “Though your sins be as crimson, they shall be white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18). From then onward, it sometimes turned white and sometimes it did not turn white. Furthermore, the western lamp of the Great Menorah would burn continuously as a sign that God’s presence rested upon the nation. From then onward, it sometimes burned and sometimes it went out.



Baruch Levine, The JPS Torah Commentary: The precise meaning of Hebrew ‘aza’zel, found nowhere else in the Bible, has been disputed since antiquity and remains uncertain even to the present time. Over the centuries, exegesis of this name has followed three lines of interpretation.

1. According to the first, Azazel is the name of the place in the wilderness to which the scapegoat was dispatched; the term is taken as synonymous with eretz gezerah, “inaccessible region,” in verse 22.

2. According to the second line of interpretation, Azalel describes the goat. The word ‘aza’zel is a midrashic mashup (notarikon) comprised of ‘ez, “goat,” and ‘azal, “to go away,” hence “the goat that goes away.” This interpretation occurs in both the Septuagint and the Vulgate and underlies the rabbinic characterization sa’ir ha-mishtalleah, “the goat that is dispatched,” in Mishnah Yomah 6:2. This is in fact, the interpretation that led to the English rendering “scapegoat” (from “escape-goat”), which first appeared in Tyndale’s English translation of the Bible in 1530.

3. The third line of interpretation is that the Azazel in later myth was the name given to the demonic ruler of the wilderness. The derivation of the word is uncertain, but the thematic relationship of Azazel to the se’irim, “goat demons,” of 17:7 suggests that the word ‘ez, “goat,” is represented in it.  


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