Saturday, May 6, 2023

May 7th- LAG b', Shabgnuot, more

 Soundcheck!   oNE DUCK? 

In the news:


Something Jews do you have probably never seen before. And a whole lot of them do this.

at 3:20


Shabbat 33b:5 (

What is Lag B'Omer? What is Counting of the Omer? | BimBam

What Is Lag Ba'omer? | My Jewish Learning

The Customs of Sefirah aren’t about Mourning. They are about Quarantine. - The Lehrhaus


Perhaps you would like to mention all of the other problems that are commonly involved in the making of bonfires.
Stealing wood and shopping carts to transport wood. Danger to children who collect the wood, make the fire, or just observe. Every year there are injuries. Often the fires are left unattended without being extinguished and most often no clean up is done even when it is made in a public place.
Smoke fumes enter nearby homes.
And all of this at the cost of a tremendous waste of time and energy.
Not to mention the unnecessary pollution.

Even if this was a valid custom, it is overdone and would not justify potential stealing or not taking safety precautions.

LITVAK POSTS: When discussing matters related to lag ba’omer, bo bayom, why is there no mention of Minhag Ashkenaz, which means no pilgrimage to Meron, no bonfires, no upsherins (regular haircuts okay)? Have you become a mouthpiece for Hassidic propaganda to the exclusion of ancient minhog? Is the Chasam Sofer chopped liver? See teshuvos Chasam Sofer Yoreh Deiah 233, dibbur hamaschil omnom, where he questions making lag baomer a great yomtov, with pilgrimage to Meron and hadloko, and says that he would not take part, saying that to make a yomtov which is not mentioned in the gemara or poskim, he doesn’t know if it is allowed, also he cites the gemara that yom shemeis bo aviv or Rabbo (the day in which a father or Rebbe passed away) is a day of taanis (fasting), not celebration.


And let's not forget Sephardi custom, when celebration begins, if there is any, on the day AFTER Lag Be'omer.


-: No, that’s not a real picture of Blair.  That’s just some clipart and you’re missing the point.  There are endless numbers of young Jewish women-  and young men just like her, who give up on having an adult level Jewish education the minute they finished Bat or Bar Mitzvah.  In a short time they think Judaism is silly and just for kids, because at best they only have 5rd grade level Judaism in their brains.   Remember Joel’s Grishaver’s 2nd Law:  Every year of Jewish education after one’s Bat/Bar Mitzvah is worth any three years before it.

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