Saturday, April 15, 2023

Materials for April

We spent $45 million to build a Holocaust museum in Skokie. We built a building with donor’s names on it, and a board to direct it, and parking lots for tour buses, and a website for tickets, and a book shop. So now Jewish children will understand very well how Jews died in the camps. But how we lived as Jews—and how to live as Jews--  this will elude them.   

As for non-Jews,  on the mall of our nation's captial,  there is  the National Museum of African American History and Culture, and National Museum of the American Indian, a museum in the United States dedicated to the culture of the indigenous peoples of the Americas.  And what did the Jewish community choose to build to educate our fellow Americans about the Jewish people?  A museum of Jewish American Culture and history? 

No.  The Jews of America chose to spend nearly $190 million to build a museum about the Holocaust, the eradication of the Jews of Europe.   So while Americans who visit our nation's captial can learn about the contributions and sufferings of  African Americans and Indigenous Peoples,  they will not learn how anything about Jewish contributions to our nation, or what Jewish life is like today in the USA.  Dr. Gary Porton said it best:  "We teach children how the Greeks thought, how the Romans fought, and how the Jews... died."   

Had the Shoah not happened,  there would be as many as 32 million Jews in the world today. Yet consider this :  while scholars debate about the numbers of  Jews in Eretz Yisrael who perished in the Great Revolt against the Roman empire in the year 70 CE, what is not debated is that two generations later, in 132 CE,  the Bar Kochba Revolt against had even more devastating effects:

"50 of their most important outposts and 985 of their most famous villages were razed to the ground. 580,000 men were slain in the various raids and battles, and the number of those that perished by famine, disease and fire was past finding out, Thus nearly the whole of Judaea was made desolate."

— Cassius Dio, History of Rome, 69.14.1-2

Most scholars do not think this was an exageration. So had Jerusalem not fallen in 70 and the Bar Kochba revolt not taken place, one million more jews would have made it into the 2nd century in the land of Israel.  Average that number through nearly 2000 years of human growth, and there would be another 100 million Jews in the world today.  

So which is the event we should be spending more time on?  The Fall of Jerusalem in 70 CE or the Shoah? 


Jewish philosopher Emil Fackenheim wrote many books but he is best known for a single phrase, a new commandment. Fackenheim taught that, in addition to the 613 commandments of tradition, Jews should observe a 614th -- not to grant Hitler a posthumous victory in this way:

 “We are commanded, first, to survive as Jews, lest the Jewish people perish. 

We are commanded, second, to remember in our very guts and bones the martyrs of the holocaust, lest their memory perish. 

We are forbidden, thirdly, to deny or despair of God, however much we may have to contend with him or with belief in him, lest Judaism perish. 

We are forbidden, finally, to despair of the world as the place which is to become the kingdom of God, lest we help make it a meaningless place in which God is dead or irrelevant and everything is permitted.” 

עיטור המופת
Medal of Distinguished Service
Israel's 3rd Highest Millitary Award

עיטור העוז
Medal Of Courage
Israel's 2nd Highest Millitary Award

עיטור הגבורה
The Medal of Valor
Israel's Highest Millitary Award
(only 40 have ever been given out) 

The spring and summer in the jewish calendar

season - עוֹנָה , 
Englishעִבְרִית (\)
Autumn, (Fall)סְתָו


Question 1. What was the event that precipitated the celebration of Yom Yerushalayim?

  The dedication of the Second Temple (515 B.C.E.).

  The reunification of Jerusalem (1967).

  The day that the modern State of Israel was founded (1948).

  All of the above.

  None of the above.


Question 2. In modern times, Tu B’av slightly resembles what holiday in English-speaking countries?

  Valentine’s Day



  Veteran’s Day


Question 3. Who do we remember on Yom Hazikaron?

  The victims of the Holocaust.

  The victims of anti-Jewish pogroms throughout history.

  The fallen at Masada.

  The soldiers of Israel's armed forces who have died.


Question 4. What is the National Bible Quiz?

  A tournament in which ultra-Orthodox students vie about Torah and Talmud.

  A spelling bee-like competition of Jewish students from around the world based on the Tanakh.

  A television game show that culminates on Yom Ha'atzmaut.

  A yearly questionnaire that every Israeli citizen receives in the mail.


Question 5. What is the origin of Tu B'Av?

  It was started on early Israeli kibbutzim as a Zionist attack on Valentine's Day.

  It was a matchmaking day for unmarried women in Temple times.

 It was the date of the the First Zionist Congress.

  It was originally created by JDate and the Israeli government in the 1970’s.

  None of the above.



Question 6. Yom Ha'atzmaut is the anniversary of whose announcement of the creation of State of Israel?

  Moshe Dayan

  Golda Meir

  David Ben-Gurion

  Tzipi Livni

  None of the above.


Question 7. When is Yom Hashoah, in relation to other holidays on the Jewish calendar?

  A week after the first day of Passover, and a week before Shavuot

  A week after the seventh day of Passover, and a week before Yom Hazikaron

  A week after the seventh day of Sukkot, and one day before Simchat Torah

  Five days after Rosh Hashanah, and five days before Yom Kippur



 Question 8. On what three holidays do we read the al hanssim prayer?

  Pseach, Sukkot, and Shauvot

  Tisha B’av,  Yom Kippur,  and  Yom Hashoah

  Purim,  Channukah, and  Lag Beomer

  Purim, Channukah, and  Yom Ha’atzmaut

  Purim, Channukah, and  Passover


Question 9.  How is Yom Hashoah, commemorated in Israel?

  Stores are closed, as are places of entertainment

  Sirens sound during the day and all traffic stops

  Cable TV channels go off the air

  Sad or no music is played on the radio

  Fasting and meditation


Question 10. Which is not a way that Israelis celebrate  Yom ha atzmaut?

  hitting each other with inflatable hammers

  spraying people with shaving cream

 Eating humus, falefel and pita

  fireworks and barbeques, just like in the USA

   taking the day off


TIEBREAKER Which of the following holidays is ancient, rather than modern

Yom Ha’Shoah

Memorial Day

Independence day

Jerusalem Day

Tisha B’av


Yom HaShoah: It's Establishment, Controversy and Contemporary Observance (

Holocaust Scroll | My Jewish Learning

Siren video 1

 video 2



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