Saturday, March 4, 2023

March Class Postings



PESACH ALA MANO                 

Listen to the music.  Ladino lyirics. Spanish speakers can decode?

Then,  let’s just listen to the Remix:


Pesah ala mano



Purim, Purim, Purim lano,

Pesah, Pesah ala mano;

Las matsas si stan faziendo,

Los japrakis si stan koziendo.

Aman (4x)

Il Diyo Bendicho mos da mazal (repeat)


Purim, Purim, Purim lano,

Pesah, Pesah ala mano;

La Nona sta diziendo a los nyetos,

Alimpiya il puelvo, kantones i loz techos.



Purim, Purim, Purim lano,

Pesah, Pesah ala mano;

Il Sinyor Rubi disho a las tiyas

No kumer il pan ocho diyas.




Purim, Purim, Purim is over,

Passover is at hand;

Matzot are being made,

The stuffed grape leaves are being baked.


Amen (4x)

Almighty God give us good fortune.


Purim, Purim, Purim is over,

Passover is at hand;

The grandmother is telling the grandchildren,

Clean the dust, the corners and ceilings.




Purim, Purim, Purim is over,

Passover is at hand;

The Rabbi tells the aunties

Not to eat bread for eight days.




Please don't talk about the massacre at the end of book.

 Mishoach Manot- the Perfect versions

12 Purim Basket Hacks: Creative Mishloach Manot - YouTube

GUNDI!   after the quiz

1.    What caused so many Persian jews to flee Persia/Iran?

a.   The invasion of  Ghengis Kahn in 1066 CE

b.  The Islamic Revolution of 1979 CE

c.   The assignation of the Shah  (persian king) in 1986 CE

d.  The introduction of Islam in 868 CE

e.   The requirement for government ministers to eat bacon in 1499 CE


2.  What is the dominant grain in Persian Jewish food?

a.   Wheat

b.  Buckwheat

c.   Maize/Corn

d.  Rice

e.   Wild Rice


3.  What is the rice dish -Tadig  known for being?

a.   Spicy

b.  Colorful

c.   Crunchy

d.  Cheesy

e.   Fictional (Mar Hirsch made it up)


4.  How long have Jews lived in what was once Persia?

a.   Since Muslims invaded Spain in 722CE.

b.  Since the Maccabees sent ambassadors in 147 BCE

c.   Since the writing of the Mishnah in 200 CE

d.  Since the first exile to Babylonia in 586 BCE

e.   Nobody knows.





5.   Fessanjan is a meat dish flavored with what fruit?

a.   Pomegranate

b.  Bananas

c.   Pineapples

d.  Papaya

e.   Pitaya


6.  The largest concentration of Persian Jews in the USA is in what major city?   

a.   Dallas

b.  New York

c.   Washington DC

d.  Los Angeles

e.   Miami


7.   Gondi are massive dumplings in chicken soup. Which of the following are not part of Gondi?  

a.   Ground Chicken

b.  Chickpea flour

c.   Cardamom (a spice)

d.  Tumeric

e.   MSG Powder


8.  What is Persian Jewish food best know for flavor-wise?

a.   Hot red peppers

b.  Fermented vegetables

c.   Fresh herbs

d.  Garlic. Lots of Garlic

e.   Sesame Oil



9.  What key ingredient gives the stew called  Gormeh Sabzi its tangy flavor?    

a.   Ascorbic Acid

b.  Lemon Juice

c.   Powdered Dry Lime

d.  Cranberries

e.   Fermentation for 9 days



10.                  Where else did persian Jews flee to after 1979 Besides Israel and the US?

a.   Italy

b.  Mongolia

c.   South Korea

d.  France

e.   Bulgaria

11.      Tie Breaker if needed

             What meat is paired with Eggplant in the stew known as Khoresh Bademjoon?

a.   Beef

b.  Pork

c.   Lamb

d.  Chicken

e.   Giraffe




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