Saturday, February 25, 2023

feb 26th posts




1- 1- Who consumes more olive oil-- Israeli Jews or Israeli Arabs?  A:Israeli Jews average 2 kilos per person a year,  Israeli Arabs average 8 kilos.

2.    2 Who actually consumes more olive oil,  Israelis or Greeks?  At an average of 20 kilo per person, it’s the Greeks.

3.   3  Olive oil’s smoke point is about what temperature Farenheit?

a.    325-350

b.    355-375

c.      380-410

d.    420-440

e.    There is smoke at any temperature when I make latkes.

(the answer is c. if you answered e,  buy an electric frying pan and make them outside.)

4.    True or false: The oldest olive tree in the middle east is probably in Bethlehem, held to be 4000 years old.  (True).

5.    Fill in the blank/Milat Hayom::   The term for extra virgin olive oil in Hebrew is

שֶׁמֶן זַיִת______ מְעוּלֶּה

Answer: כָּתִית

6.    Which country has the most stringent standards and testing system in the world to prevent counterfeit olive oil being exported?   (Australia!)

7.    True or False: Suri Olives used to be grown all over the land of  Israel, but Roman overuse/abuse made  them extinct during the Bar Kochba revolt.  (False.  They are still around, canned by the ton.)


8.    Which of these does the most damage to an olive tree during harvest:

a.    Harvesting by hand

b.    Harvesting by beating the branches with sticks

c.     Harvesting by shaking the entire tree

d.    Harvesting fruit two years consecutively

e.    Harvesting by guilt. “I’m fine, you keep your fruit, I’ll just sit here and starve to death.”

  (the answer is any but a,  although most trees don’t have much fruit in consecutive years. E is also bad for the tree.)


9.    True or False: It takes 7 liters of olives to make one liter of olive oil.  (true.)

10.                    Olive oil was used in Roman baths to cleanse the skin, as it would be rubbed all over the body, and then the oil and dirt would be scraped off with a stick called a

a.    Lokum

b.    Strigil

c.     Bakula

d.    Gubernaculum

e.    Vaxaphobian


The answer is b.  A is also known as Turkish delight,  c is the name of an actor, and Gubernaculum is just fun to say. Gubernaculum!



If summer comes 

Winner of the drooling Homer Prize!

remix of the week

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