Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Tenth of Tishrei and the Seventh of October.

Benjamin Disraeli, 1st Earl of Beaconsfield, Twice Prime Minister. 

Only UK PM born Jewish. 

In 1835 Daniel O’Connell, the Irish Roman Catholic leader, attacked Benjamin Disraeli  in the House of Commons. In the course of his unrestrained invective (insulting speech), he insultingly referred to Disraeli’s Jewish ancestry. Disraeli replied, "Yes, I am a Jew, and while the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon."

The great teacher Bar Yochai once taught this story:

A group of people were travelling in a boat. One of them took a drill and began to drill a hole beneath his seat. His companions said to him: "Why are you doing this?" Replied the man: "Mind your own business! I’m only drilling under my own seat, okay?" They said to him: "But you will flood the boat for us all!"  

(Vayikra Rabbah 4:6).

So it is with the Jewish people, taught Shimon Bar Yohchai.  Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh. Every Jew is  for liable for one other,  for we are all in the same boat.


Ki Anu Amecha

Mar'eh Koheyn-- They prayer they tried to keep out-  but could not!


1)    Yom kippur means  a day like Puirm.


2)    On Yom kippur, we can only  eat special foods that must be kosher.


3)    We blow the shofar 100 times on Yom kippur


4)    Yom Kippur starts out with  the Kol Nidre prayer.


5)    Sins you commit against other people are forgiven on Yom kippur automatically.


6)    The Yom Kippur fast lasts from sunrise to sunrise.


7)    You shouldn’t wear leather shoes on YK,  but  cologne, perfume, and other fragrances are allowed. 


8)    Conservative Judaism says you don’t have to fast as an adult unless you choose to; only the Orthodox say every adult has to fast.


9)    We add a musaf service to Yom kippur prayers.


10)                    Neilah is a special prayer for Yom kippur


11)                    On the afternoon of Yom Kippur, Jews traditionally read the entire  book of Jonah.


12)                    The haftorah reading on yom kippur talks about taking the homeless into your home as a way to atone.


13)                    People wear their tallit all day on Yom Kippur.






1)     Come in with a bad attitude, such as “this will be sooooo boring.” If that’s the way you feel when come in, it’s a good bet that’s  how it will feel the whole time.


2)     Make sure you don’t know even the most baseic outline of a synagogue service. That way you can always be lost during the service and stay bored even during the most common parts of Judaism’s prayers.


3)     Don’t bother thinking about Yom Kippur for ten days before it arrives.  The “Ten Days of Repentence”  that lead into Yom Kippur could make the day quite meaningful, so don’t think about Jewish things or how to be a better person for the duration of them.


4)     Avoid looking at a machzor in advance and absolutley don't have one to use at home. This will also help you not be able to follow along making it easier to think the whole thing is a waste of time.


5)     Judge services by comparing them to a trip to a ninja course or water park, and not to a spiritual effort that is hard work.   Don’t compare it to learning or perfecting a skill,  like playing in an orchestra or  having a part in play. That way you can complain that the services were not any fun.


6)     Make sure you and your parents don’t ever talk about what the holiday means to them and why they think you should attend.  And don’t ask them what they hope to gain by attending services. That could also make the day more meaningful, so don't do that. 


7)     Do not search YouTube before Yom Kippur to hear some of the remarkable musical elements  and styles of the high holidays. That way,  you can’t sing along or participate better with the community. What kind of nerd sings along in synagogue? Besides, YouTube  is too hard to use for Jewish stuff, everyone knows that. 


8)     Don’t learn the special prayers for Yom Kippur.  That could also lead to participation, meaning, or enjoyment.


9)     Refuse to pay attention to the rabbi’s talk. Refuse to enjoy the chazzan’s davening.  They work for weeks and months to make this day special.  These things might move you or change you if you pay attention.


10)   Don’t get ready for the day by apologizing in advance to those you have insulted, gossiped about, lied about, lied to,  spread rumors about, stole from,  hit, hurt, belittled, betrayed,  or bullied. That would be getting ready for Yom Kippur, and you can’t have that.

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