Saturday, February 24, 2024

Getting a Gett AND Five Things about American Jewish History, Plus more for 2/25/24

  What happens in a Jewish Divorce?


Ordination Curriculum:


Masechet Sanhedrin Chapter  3 

This chapter of the Mishnah deals with witnesses, in particular those disqualified from being a witness.



Mishnah Gimmel:

 These are invalid: dice-players, people who loan at interest, pigeon-flyers, and sellers of Sabbatical goods….


Mishnah Dalet:

And these are the relatives  disqualified from testifying or judging:

A)  his father, his brother, his father's brother, his mother's brother, his sister's husband, his father's sister's husband, his mother's sister's husband, his step-father,

B)   his father-in-law, and his brother-in-law [his wife's sister's husband], these and their sons and sons-in-law; and his step-son alone. Rabbi Yose said, this is the teaching of Rabbi Akiva. But the original teaching said: his uncle, and the son of his uncle, all his potential heirs, and anyone related to him at that time.

 One who used to be related to him but is no longer- behold, he is acceptable. Rabbi Yehudah says, even if his daughter dies, and his son-in-law had children with her- behold, the daughter's widowed husband is a relation.



A court of 71 there would be

For issues national, so says history

and 23 at a time

For each capital crime

now, jews only have  courts of ________ 



You could write a gett on a boat

Or on a sign hanging over a moat

Yossi Ha Galili  brings

A ban on living things

So no writing a gett on a   ______ 



You need to use ink,  not burnt bread

And it must be clear enough to be read

And while now all is black

The Mishnah's color's don't lack

Once you could write a Gett
that was________ .


Some parts of Jewish divorce are wild

Who can write a gett? What’s Filed?

Anyone,  deaf or mute,

Either ancient or cute,

Yes,  you can have your get written by a _____________ .


Anyone can deliver Gittin, this is true

But there is one group that won’t do

Even close to our heart

But of our court, not a part

So no delivery by a non-________.


We like to order stuff by the batch,

From Costco, in bundles that match

But a gett is not so

No pre made ones, you know

Every gett is made at court from ___________.





בְּ_______ בְּשַׁבָּת בְּ_______ יַמִּים לְיֶרַח _______ שְׁנַת_______ לִבְרִיאַת עוֹלָם לְמִנְיָן שֶׁאָנוּ מִנְיָן כָּאן בְּ_______ מִתָּא דִיתְבָא עַל נָהַר _______ וְעַל מֵי מְעַיְּנוֹת אָנָא _______ בֵּן _______ הָעוֹמֵד הַיּוֹם בְּ_______ מִתָּא דִיתְבָא עַל נָהַר _______ וְעַל מֵי מְעַיְּנוֹת צְבִיְתִי בִּרְעוּת נַפְשִׁי בְּדְלָא אֲנִיסְנָא וּשְׁבָקִית וּפִטְרִיַּת וּתְרוּכִית יָתִיכִי לִיכִי אַנְת אִנְתְתִי _______ בַּת _______ הָעוֹמֶדֶת הַיּוֹם בְּ_______ מִתָּא דיתבא עַל נָהַר _______ועל מֵי מְעַיְּנוֹת דְּהַוֵית אִנְתְתִי מִן קָדְמַת דְנָא ווּכדוּ פִּטְרִיַּת וּשְׁבָקִית וּתְרוּכִית יָתִיכִי לִיכִי דִיתִיהֲוִייִן רַשָּׁאָהּ וְשָׁלְּטָאָה בְנַפְשִׁיכִי לִמְהָךְ לְהִתְנְסָבָא לְכָל גְּבַר דִיתִיצְבְיייִן וֶאֶנָשׁ לֹא יִמְחָא בִידַיְכִי מִן יוֹמָא דְּנַן וּלְעָלַם וְהָרֵי אַתְּ מֻתֶּרֶת לְכָל אָדָם וְדֵן דִּי יֶהֲוֵי לִיכִי מִנָאִי סֵפֶר תְרוּכִין וְאִגֶּרֶת שְׁבוּקִין וְגֵט פְּטוּרִין כְּדַת מֹשֶׁה וְיִשְׂרָאֵל.


פְּלוֹנִי בֵּן פְּלוֹנִי, עֵד

פְּלוֹנִי בֵּן פְּלוֹנִי, עֵד 



English Translation:

On the __________ day of the week, the __________ day of the month of __________ in the year __________ after creation of the world, according to the calendaric calculations that we count here, in the city __________, which is situated on the__________ river, and situated near springs of water, I, __________ the son of __________, who today am present in the city __________, which is situated on the__________ river, and situated near springs of water, willingly consent, being under no duress, to release, discharge, and divorce you [to be] on your own, you, my wife __________, daughter of __________, who are today in the city of __________, which is situated on the__________ river, and situated near springs of water, who has hitherto been my wife. And now I do release, discharge, and divorce you [to be] on your own, so that you are permitted and have authority over yourself to go and marry any man you desire. No person may object against you from this day onward, and you are permitted to any  man. This shall be for you from me a bill of dismissal, a letter of release, and a document of absolution, in accordance with the law of Moses and Israel.




אֶזְרֹק לָפַּח


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