Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Mussar Lesson from Joey Prusak


(יד) לֹא־תְקַלֵּ֣ל חֵרֵ֔שׁ וְלִפְנֵ֣י עִוֵּ֔ר לֹ֥א תִתֵּ֖ן מִכְשֹׁ֑ל וְיָרֵ֥אתָ מֵּאֱלֹהֶ֖יךָ אֲנִ֥י  'ה׃
(14) You shall not curse the deaf, or place a tripping-snare before the blind. You shall fear your God: I am Adonai.
(יח) אָר֕וּר מַשְׁגֶּ֥ה עִוֵּ֖ר בַּדָּ֑רֶךְ וְאָמַ֥ר כָּל־הָעָ֖ם אָמֵֽן׃ (ס)
(18) Cursed be the one who misdirects a blind person on his way.—And all the people shall say, Amen.

You're a 19-year-old Dairy Queen employee.  A customer you have never seen before gets in line, and when it is his turn, he places an order and pays. You quickly can tell the customer is blind. After you give him change, he walks away,  but you and other customers in line notice that as he does, he drops a $20 bill.  The older woman in line behind the blind man quickly leans down and picks up the $20, and stuffs it into her purse, saying it was hers. You ask her to give the blind man his money back, but she refuses, and says it was her money. What do you do? 


            Yell at the woman to give the money back?

             Ask her to give the money back politely?

            Threaten to call the police unless she returns the money?  

            Do nothing, because the woman must have been desparate to steal from a blind person?


 (ABC,  CBS,  and NPR news) 

Minneapolis, MN-- In September of 2013 Joey Prusak was serving a blind customer,  when he noticed the man drop a $20 bill. The woman in line behind the blind man grabbed the $20 bill and put it in her purse.  "It's my money, I dropped it." she said. Prusak then instructed the woman to return the money. After she said no, the teenager made her leave. “I told her, ‘Ma’am, you can either return the $20 bill or you can leave the store, because I’m not going to serve someone as disrespectful as you.'"  Prusak remained calm, but the woman started screaming and swearing at him, and then she stormed out.

After serving the customers who were waiting, he approached the man who had been listening to what happened to his money.  "I told him, you dropped $20. I told him I would like to give him $20 on behalf of myself and Dairy Queen to try and make things right." Prusak gave him $20 of his own money. That was two hours' worth of work at the time.  Prusak had worked at this DQ every summer since he was 14, and was the store  manager that night.   Prusak notes, "I was just doing what I thought was right. I did it without even really thinking about it." 


Prusak recived many letters and calls in response for his good deed, as well as money for a college fund.   He now works for Hennepin County's government and as a professional photographer.  


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Spices, Idols, and a Man With Glowing Skin



Buy, steal, trash: galgalatz  --


Kaddish Shalem,  

Quick!!! video:

Colors!  Le’mi yesh  davar--

1)     60 Seconds With checklist.

2)    Golden Calf-  The actual story and some commentary

3)    Spicy quiz- Cinnamon, Cassia

4)    Shabbat is a big deal in the Torah. Why not now? 

1)     Ex 33:7-11-  the first tent of meeting.

a.     Where is it best to try and seek God? What conditions?

b.     Is there someone who you honor by rising up for when they come into the room? In practice or in theory?

2)    Glowing Skin. 

ברקים ורעמים

Thunder and Lightning

הכבש השישה עשר
מיליםיהונתן גפן

“The 16th Lamb”

Words: Yehonatan Geffen
Melody: David Broza

רעמים וברקים בליל חורף קר
לא נשמעים תמיד אותו הדבר
ברקים ורעמים, רעמים וברקים
לפעמים קרובים ולפעמים רחוקים.

Thunder and lighting on a cold winter night

They don’t always sound like the same thing.

Lightning and thunder, thunder and lightning

Sometimes close, sometimes far apart

רעמים וברקים בלילות הגשומים
את הברק רואים אבל את הרעם שומעים
יש רעמים שמאוד מפחידים
ויש כאלה שרק קצת

Thunder and lightning on rainy nights

The lightning you see but the thunder you hear

There is thunder that is very scary

And some that is only a little bit (scary)

יש רעם חלש ורעם בינוני
ורעם חזק חזק שלא נעים לשמוע
בעיקר אם אתה לבד
(לעתים רחוקות אתה פוגש רעם נחמד)

רעמים וברקים...

There is thunder that’s weak and  in-between thunder,

And loud, loud thunder  that’s not nice to hear,

Especially if you’re alone

(It’s rare that you meet nice thunder)



Census and half-shekel donation

Bronze sink- wash your hands or you’ll die

Anointing oil- Spices


Betzalel in charge of fabrication


Moses is missing

Aaron makes a calf with donated rings

Party! Idolatry! Both!

God is angry- Moses argues “forgive them.”

Moses is angry. He breaks the tablets.  Aaron crakes a joke

  Moses puts the ashes of the calf in the drinking water.

Anarchy has broken out,  the Levites use lethal force to restore order.


Moses seeks to understand God better.

God warns “No human can see my face an live.”

Moses makes two new tablets for God to write on.

Moses learns the 13 middot for the next time there is trouble


God restates or adds to the covenant.    Don’t marry the nations of the land, keep the sabbath, celebrate the holidays,  no milk and meat,


Moses is up for another 40 days and nights.

He comes down aglow with torah and people are freaked out, but he veils himself and it’s okay. 


1--Now the people saw that Moshe was shamefully-late in coming down from the mountain,

so the people assembled against Aharon

and said to him:

“Get up, make us a god who will go before us,

for this Moshe, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt,

we do not know what has become of him!”

Aharon said to them:

“Break off the gold rings that are in the ears of your wives, your sons and your daughters,

and bring [them] to me!”

All the people broke off the gold rings that were in their ears,

and brought [them] to Aharon.

He took from their hand,

fashioned it with a graving-tool,

and made it into a molten calf.

Then they said:

“This is your God, O Israel,

who brought you up from the land of Egypt! “

[When] Aharon saw [this], he built an altar before it,

and Aharon called out and said:

“Tomorrow is a festival to Adonai!”

They started-early on the morrow,

offered offerings-up

and brought shalom-offerings;

the people sat down to eat and drink

and proceeded to revel.


2-- Adonai said to Moshe:

Go, get down!

for your people

whom you brought up from the land of Egypt

has wrought their own ruin!

They have been quick to turn aside from the way that I commanded them:

they have made themselves a molten calf,

they have bowed to it, they have sacrificed to it,

and they have said: “This is your God, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt!”

And Adonai said to Moshe:

I see this people—

and here, it is a hard-necked people!

So now,

let me be, that my anger may flare up against them

and I may destroy them—

but you I will make into a great nation!

Moshe soothed the face of Adonai his God;

he said:


O Adonai,

should your anger flare up against your people

whom you brought out of the land of Egypt

with great power,

with a strong hand?


should the Egyptians [be able to] say, yes, say:

With evil intent he brought them out,

to kill them in the mountains,

to destroy them from the face of the earth?

Turn away from your flaming anger,

be sorry of the evil [intended] against your people!

Recall Avraham, Yitzhak and Yisrael your servants,

to whom you swore by yourself

when you spoke to them:

I will make your seed many

as the stars of the heavens,

and all this land which I have promised,

I will give to your seed,

that they may inherit [it] for the ages!”

And Adonai repented of the destruction

that he had spoken of doing to his people.


3--Moshe faced about to come down from the mountain,

the two tablets of the Testimony in his hand,

tablets written on both their sides:

on this one and on this one they were written;

and the tablets were God’s making,

and the writing was God’s writing,

engraved upon the tablets.

Yehoshua heard the sound of the people as it shouted, so he said to Moshe:

“It’s the sound of battle in the camp!”

But he said:

“Not the sound of the song of prevailing,

nor the sound of the song of failing,

the sound of party-song is what I hear!”

And it was,

when he neared the camp

and saw the calf and the dancing,

that Moshe’s anger flared up;

he threw the tablets from his hands

and smashed them beneath the mountain.

He took the calf that they had made

and burned it with fire

and ground it up until it was thin-powder,

and strewed it on the surface of the water

and made the Children of Israel drink it.

Then Moshe said to Aharon:

“What did this people do to you

that you have let them commit [such] a great sin!

Aharon said:

“Let not my lord’s anger flare up!

You yourself know this people, how set-on-evil it is.

They said to me: Make us a god who will go before us,

for this Moshe, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt,

we do not know what has become of him!

So I said to them: Who has gold?

They broke it off and gave it to me;

I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf!”

Rashi on Exodus 32:4:2

עגל מסכה A MOLTEN CALF — As soon as he (Aaron) had thrown it (the gold) into the fire in a melting pot,  sorcerers amongst the mixed multitude who had escaped with them from Egypt came and made it (the golden calf) by their magic art.



Chizkuni, Exodus 32:4:2

ויעשהו, “he made it into the shape of a calf.” He did not select a different creature, seeing that the mixed multitude that had joined the Jewish bandwagon at the Exodus had been the first to gang up on him, demanding a replacement for Moses. They had heard Moses sing after the splitting of the sea: “this is My God, who I will adore!” They had only seen the feet of the angels surrounding God’s throne, feet which looked like the feet of a calf. They had mistakenly assumed that what they had seen were the footprints of God which had the appearance of calves’ feet. This is also why the psalmist in Psalms 77:20 writes: “Your way was through the sea, Your path through the mighty waters; Your tracks could be seen.” They had mistaken the footprints of the angels for the footprints of God!



Or HaChaim on Exodus 32:4:1

ויעשהו עגל, "he made it into a calf." The calf is described as the work of Aaron not because he meant to make it,  but because he was the instrument which caused the calf to emerge. We hear about this clearly in verse 24 where Aaron describes what happened with the words: "this calf just came out of the furnace!”  It is also possible that the making of the calf was attributed to Aaron because he accepted the gold from the contributors in his hands without first depositing it on the ground which would have deprived it of the magical quality which resulted in it emerging in the shape of a calf (Zohar volume 2 page 192).


Rabbeinu Bahya, Shemot 32:4:1-5

ויעשהו עגל מסכה, “he made it into a calf cast of gold.”
  When Aaron constructed the golden calf he intended for it to be a body which would receive divine input from the angel Metatron, the one in charge of the rules of the universe and the powers assigned to the planets. He thought in terms of the ox which is one of the four “animal-like faces” (concepts) supporting the Merkava of God. He assumed that such insights would be provided by the ox, seeing it is on the left side of the Merkavah, and it would show the Jewish people  the way so that it would counteract the negative northern influences.
[The journey of the Israelites towards the Holy Land took them straight north. Ed.]

  When Aaron constructed the golden calf he intended for it to be a body which would receive divine input from the angel Metatron, the one in charge of the rules of the universe and the powers assigned to the planets. He thought in terms of the ox which is one of the four “animal-like faces” (concepts) supporting the Merkava of God. He assumed that such insights would be provided by the ox, seeing it is on the left side of the Merkavah, and it would show the Jewish people  the way so that it would counteract the negative northern influences. [The journey of the Israelites towards the Holy Land took them straight north. Ed.]



Shadal (Samuel David Luzzatto, Padua, Italy, 22 August 1800 – 30 September 1865. Author and Rabbinical school professor. Wrote in Hebrew, German and Italian.)  on Exodus 32:4:1

Calf: The calf was not for Idol worship initially, and they did not accept it for God, but for it to be a vessel to receive God's bounty, and stand for them as a leader instead of Moses. Aaron was not enough for them because he was also a human being. This is also the opinion of the Kuzari, Ibn-Ezra, Ramban and Chizkuni and Ralbag.


1)     The spice most prominently named in the Torah is Kin'amon. What do we call this spice in English?

a.     Cumin

b.     Curly Parsely

c.     Cilantro

d.     Cinnamon

e.     Dude, the Torah was given long before people used spices.



2)    The Manna, the bread that God gave our ancestors,  tasted like wafers and honey, but looked like this brown spice:

a.     Green Cardamom

b.     Turmeric

c.     Paprika

d.     Coriander

e.     The glorious black pepper grown by our divine leader of North Korea!



3)    In the works of the prophet Isaiah,  Black Cumin is mentioned. Which of the following is NOT a name for this spice:

a.     Kalonji

b.     Nigella

c.     Charnushka

d.     Black Caraway

e.     Ninja Pepper



4)    Za’atar is a common blend of spices in Lebanon, Israel, Syria, and the Palestinian Territories.  In addition to sesame, salt and  Hyssop (eizov) which is mentioned in the Torah, what common herb is also in this blend?

a.     Basil

b.     Marjoram

c.     Oregano

d.     Cesium

e.     Thorny Owchplant



5)    The most expensive spice in the world, going for about $2,000 for a single pound on amazon?  Why, that’s

a.     Fennel Pollen

b.     Majarajah Curry

c.     Everest Cinnamon

d.     Spanish Saffron

e.     Mellinger Fakespice



6)    This chili pepper is not found in the Bible

a.     Serrano

b.     Jalepeno

c.     Scotch Bonnet

d.     Fish Pepper

e.     Dude, there are no hot peppers in the Jewish Bible.



7)    Cumin is found in many cuisines, but not

a.     Israeli

b.     Chinese

c.     Palestinian

d.     Mexican

e.     Pakistani

8)    OPINON:  Why do  Detroit Red Wings Fans throw octopuses (octopi)  onto the ice?

a.     Who cares? Its gross and smelly, like Detriot. 

b.     Who cares?  I don’t follow hockey-- I’m not sure why there is even ice involved in it.

c.     Who cares?  The Blackhawks are the better team anyway.

d.     Who cares? The things freeze onto the  ice and makes extra work for the rink crew!

e.     Who cares? Like I have the time and energy to bring an octopus to a hockey game. 


9)    What does the spice Star Anice smell like?

a.     Cinnamon

b.     Varnish

c.     Licorice

d.     Roses

e.     The breeze from the Kum-Kang mountains of North Korea!  All hail the glorious leader!


10)  The nutmeg tree obviously gives us nutmeg, which is a seed,  as well as this spice from the nutmeg wrapping,  which is essential in a classic hot dog:

a.     Saffron

b.     Mace

c.     Vetiver

d.     Cloves

e.     Uranium




11)  The Moroccan spice blend,  “Ras el Hanout”  is a blend of top quality spices that differs from shop to shop, but on average has this many spices in it:

a.     Four

b.     Fourteen

c.     Fourty

d.     Eighty

e.     Four Hundred thousand, six hundred and nineteen.  Point two five.




Now Adonai spoke to Moshe, saying:

And as for you, take you fragrant-spices, the best:
streaming myrrh, five hundred,
cinnamon spice, half as much—fifty and two hundred,
fragrant cane, fifty and two hundred,

and cassia, five hundred
by the Holy-Shrine shekel,
as well as olive oil, a hin,

and you are to make [from] it anointing oil of holiness,
perfume from the perfume-mixture, of perfumer’s making;
anointing oil of holiness is it to be.

You are to anoint with it
the Tent of Appointment
and the Ark of the Covenant  

and the table and all its implements,
and the lampstand and all its implements
and the altar for smoke-offerings

and the altar for offering-up and all its implements
and the basin and its pedestal.

You are to hallow them
that they may become holiest holiness—;
whatever touches them shall become-holy.


And Aharon and his sons you are to anoint,
you are to make them holy to be-priests for me.

And to the Children of Israel you are to speak, saying:
Anointing oil of holiness
this is to be for me
throughout your generations.

On any [other] human body it is not to be poured out;
in its [exact] proportion, you are not to make any like it—
holiness is it,
holiness it shall remain for you.

Any man who mixes-perfumes like it
or who puts any of it on an outsider
is to be cut off from his kinspeople!



SHEMOT 33-  the other tent of meeting

Now Moshe would take the Tent
and pitch it for himself outside the camp, going-far from the camp.
He called it the Tent of Appointment.
And it was,
whoever was seeking Adonai
would go out to the Tent of Appointment that was outside the camp.

And it was:
whenever Moshe would go out to the Tent,
all the people would rise;
they would station themselves, each at the entrance to his tent,
and would gaze after Moshe
until he had come into the Tent.

And it was:
whenever Moshe would come into the Tent,
the column of cloud would come down
and stop at the entrance to the Tent,
and he would speak with Moshe.

And all the people would see
the column of cloud
standing at the entrance to the Tent,
and all the people would rise;
they would bow down,
each at the entrance to his tent.

And Adonai would speak to Moshe
face to face,
as one speaks to his neighbor.
Now when he would return to the camp,
his attendant, the lad Yehoshua,
would not depart from within the Tent.






Now Adonai said to Moshe:

And you, speak to the Children of Israel, saying:
However: my Sabbaths you are to keep!
For it is a sign
between me and you, throughout your generations,
to know that I, Adonai, hallow you.

You are to keep the Sabbath,
for it is holiness for you,
whoever profanes it is to be put to death, yes, death!
For whoever makes work on it—
that person is to be cut off from among his kinspeople.

For six days is work to be made,
but on the seventh day
[is] Sabbath, Sabbath-Ceasing, holiness for Adonai;
whoever makes work on the Sabbath day is to be put to death, yes, death!

The Children of Israel are to keep the Sabbath,
to make the Sabbath-observance throughout their generations
as a covenant for the ages.

Between me and the Children of Israel
it is a sign for the ages,
for in six days
Adonai made the heavens and the earth,
but on the seventh day
he ceased and paused-for-breath.

He gave to Moshe
when he had finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai
the two tablets of the Testimony,
tablets of stone,
written by the finger of God.