Saturday, January 27, 2024

Sunday January 28th: 18th of Sh’vat, 5784, Parshat Yitro



1)     Oh, this easy.  The nation that is not on the map is

a.     Jordan

b.     Syria

c.     Yemen

d.     Israel

e.     North Korea




2)    Oh, this is also easy.  The river that runs through #4, Egypt, is the

a.     Amazon

b.     Yangtze

c.     Mississippi

d.     Nile

e.     North Korea




3)    Not so easy- What is the official title of nation #3?

a.     The Republic of Turkey

b.     The Syrian Arab Republic

c.     The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

d.     The Islamic Republic of Iran

e.     The Democratic People’s Republic of (North) Korea



4)    Wow, that country #12 is tiny.  Hard to believe the USA once went to war in

a.     Yemen

b.     Kuwait

c.     Qatar

d.     Lebanon

e.     North Korea



5)    Whether or not I have visited Israel, I can find on the map.  It’s

a.     7

b.     13

c.     2

d.     5

e.     North Korea


6)    If  A is the Med (Mediterranean) Sea,  and B is the Red Sea,  then C is the

a.     Dead Sea

b.     Black Sea

c.     Persian Gulf

d.     Straights of Magellan

e.     Lake Superior. My family has a cabin up there.




7)    What city in #8,  Saudi Arabia is the holiest place in Islam?

a.     Medina

b.     Riyadh

c.     Mecca

d.     Al-Bahah

e.     Umm… dude,  Jerusalem is the holiest place in Islam, just as for Jews.





8)    Wow,  country 13 is huge.  It was once an ally of Israel and life for Jews there was okay.  Now we know it as a supporter of terrorism around the world and an enemy of Israel:

a.     Iraq

b.     Iran

c.     Palestine

d.     Jordan

e.     Finland



9)    This country has an ongoing and horrible civil war, and though over 613,000  Muslims have died in the conflict, almost nobody in the Muslim world has marched or protested about what the Assad regime has done in

a.     Syria

b.     Turkey

c.     Lebanon

d.     Egypt

e.     Yemen





10)  That other map?  Oh,  I know which one is Gaza

a.     A

b.     B

c.     C

d.     D

e.     North Korea!



11)  Wait, I don’t see Palestine on the map.  Where do many Palestinians believe   their state will one day be?  

a.     A

b.     B

c.     C

d.     D

e.     All of the above




12) SUPER TIE- BREAKER So wait,  D is part of Israel officially since 1981, and the Druze and other people living in the area are citizens of Israel? Aha! That’s

a.     The West Bank

b.     The Sinai Peninsula

c.     The Golan Heights

d.     The Negev Desert

e.     North… Carolina.

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