Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Hanukkah days 4 and 8 *Dec 11 and 14






What words and ideas  would be in  a great Hanukkah Song?

Maoz Tzur- Melodies and Meaning

Hanukkah in Santa Monica




Words gone wrong



Quiz on Sleep and dreams

Joseph becomes Zapthnat Paneah

Why the brothers don’t recognize him.


Why Joseph’s brothers don’t recognize him according to…

Rashi (Shlomo Yitzhaki, France, 10th century):

For you see that when Joseph left them, he had not been “sealed in old age” [he had not finished growing and come to his adult face], but now he had been “sealed in old age.”

Rashbam (Shmuel Ben Meir, France, 11th century, Rashi’s Grandson):

For not only did he come to them now “Sealed in old age” but when they saw him,  he was ruling in power,  and had all the royal garments upon him, and they did not recognize his voice (others translate his “accent”).

Chizkuni, (France, 13th century)

והם לא הכירוהו, “but they did not recognize him;” one reason was that he had grown a beard that he did not have when he was sold. Secondly, his name had been changed. Thirdly, he now spoke Egyptian and he used an interpreter, making believe that he did not understand Hebrew.


Nachmanides (Ramban,  Moshe Ben Nachman, Spain, 13th century):

He placed his headdress low on his forehead and over part of his face, and concealed  his appearance in other ways, as we see the wife of King Yereboam  doing in 1st Kings. Also  they did not recognize him because it did not occur to them that a slave sold to the Ishmaelites should be the ruler of a land.

Rabeynu Bachya (Spain, 14th century):

It is possible that Joseph did not change his features in order to deceive his brothers but merely spoke to them in a tone and language which made it unlikely that they would ever associate his person with being remotely similar to their brother. 

Midrash Tanchuma (midrashim first collected in the  5thcentury):
He did things like just like a idol-worshiper, and in particular used his goblet to consult it as if it possessed magic powers…. Joseph told them that his goblet told him that two of their number had once destroyed an entire city by the name of Shechem [a true but little known fact]. When they heard this they were possessed with great fear, and told Joseph that they were actually twelve brothers. Thereupon Joseph demanded to know the whereabouts of the other two brothers. They told him that one of their number had disappeared and that the youngest one was at home with his father…..




















הxxx or

 ת  xxxx









Quiz on Sleep and Dreams


1)   What is the name of the stage of sleep where you dream, and what does it mean?

a.   PIFF- Prefrontal Involuntary Focus Formation

b.  SED- Serological Evolution of Dreaming

c.   STP-  Serological Transient Programming

d.  REM- Rapid Eye Movement

e.   BURP-  Bulging Underneath the Retina’s  Pringle



2) How many stages of sleep are there before REM sleep?

a.   1

b.  3

c.   6

d.  10

e.   Close to 200.



3)  What are those  three stages called?

a.   Aleph/bet/dalet

b.  Alpha/beta/delta

c.   Ichi/Ni/San

d.  I/II /IV

e.   Frazzle /Glibble/Ping




4) What happens when the body enters the delta stage of sleep?

a.   Brain activity is minimal, breathing is deep and slow

b.  Brain activity is high, breathing is normal.

c.   The body rarely enters delta stage, we know little about it

d.  Dreams have begun, breathing is rapid.

e.   No brain activity or breathing.




5)  How many hours of sleep do adults need nightly to stay healthy?

a.   4

b.  6

c.   7

d.  8

e.   3 if they have coffee



6) What is the difference between a nightmare and a night terror?

a.   Only Children get night terrors

b.  Only Adults have nightmares

c.   Nightmares are upsetting dreams,  a night terror is a frightening short-circuiting of the sleep cycle.

d.  Night Terrors can happen every night for months on end.

e.   There is no such thing as Night Terrors, you made that up!


7)  What happens in a Lucid Dream?

a.   You are yourself and the dream is 1st person

b.  You know you are dreaming and may be able to control the dream

c.   You have an omniscient view and know what will happen next

d.  You are someone other than yourself in the dream

e.   You meet Lou and Syd in your dream.


8) Hey,  I had a cool dream!  In it I…

a.   Was a Jedi Knight

b.  Was President of the USA

c.   Was part of Taylor Swift’s band

d.  Was living in Tokyo

e.   Was selling used cars in Cleveland. 




9) What is dreamcatcher in Native American culture?

a.   A healer or Medicine Man who interprets dreams

b.  A person of destiny or great potential who can achieve greatness

c.   A special tent or lodge which blocks nightmares

d.  A willow hoop with a netting and other elements.

e.   Dreamcatchers are Brazilian, not Native American.





10)                 What actually causes sleepwalking?    

a.   Hormonal imbalances from stress

b.  Positron emissions from fresh lumber

c.   Pollution from Plastics

d.  Excessive exposure to UV rays

e.   We don’t know what causes it.


1.               מַטְבֵּחַ

a.              Matbucha

b.             Maetbaecha

c.               Matbeacha

d.            Meetbeecha

e.              Matbae’ach


2.              הַמְנַבֵּחַ

a.              Ham’nabea’ach

b.             Haminabea’ach

c.               Ham’nabeecha

d.            Hamaynabaycha

e.              Hamanyaevilman


3.              בְּשִׁעְבּוּד

a.              Besheea’bohd

b.             Be’sha’bohd

c.               Be’sha’bood

d.            Be’shee’bood

e.              Bansheeboo


4.            הַסְּגֻלָּה

a.              Hasgeelah

b.             Hasgalah

c.               Hasgulah

d.            Hase’gulah

e.              Hassenfefer


5.              הֱבִיאַנִי

a.              He’eviani

b.             Hevi’ani

c.               Hevani

d.            Have’ani

e.              Haveaniceday


6.              זְרֻבָּבֶל

a.              Zar’babel

b.             Zur’babel

c.               Zerubabel

d.            Zerubavel

e.              Zerobarbells


7.              וְקִנְיָנָיו

a.              Vekinyanav

b.             Vekine’yanav

c.               Vekinyanaiv

d.            Vekinyaneev

e.              Venkmanlives


8.              הַמְּדָתָא

a.              Hamdatah

b.             Hame’datah

c.               Hama’datah

d.            Hame’datai

e.              Hamonrye


9.              חַשְׁמַנִּים

a.              Chamishim

b.             Chashmanim

c.               Chashmainim

d.            Chashmonim

e.              Chashbrowns


10.    מֵאֻמָּה

a.              Me’umah

b.             Ma’umah

c.               May’umah

d.            May’umeh

e.              Maybenot


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