Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Hanukkah Miracle

 Dear parents,

Last week was our last class before winter break. As such, our students were 1000% engaged with the material and had nothing else on their minds. Our song of the day was another great Hanukkah song by Shulem Lemmer , the first Haredi Jew to sign a major record deal with Universal music group. Of course, while not all Jewish music is done by Hasidic men in big hats, sometimes it is! 

Later,  our students help revise an poorly written research paper  on Hanukkah by (the fictional) Tiffany B. The students worked in groups to look over the paper, marking and correcting any errors they found, while of course earning points for their team along the way (the winning group inducted into the sixth grade hall of fame as per usual, see below). 

After the lesson, we took a poll asking what would it take for us NOT to celebrate Hanukkah. The answers to this poll were pleasantly surprising, with many students responding that we could take away the gifts and fired foods and beautiful lights, and they, the students, would still celebrate and love the holiday (a true Hanukkah miracle!). 

After the Hanukkah portion of our lesson, we continued on our Divorce curriculum, learning about what it takes to be a witnesses to a Get, the Jewish divorce document. Finlay, we played "finish the headline," were the students had to fill in the missing word of newspaper headlines of articles relating to Israel and Israeli current events (yes, and in this case, even the galactic federation).

Hanukkah Sameach and have a Wonderful Winter Break.

Hall of Fame Inductees for this week:




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